hardcore lover

this is my diary.the truly story from my heart.i love what i do.this is what i need to expose my feeling and my tear.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


welcome 2009,bye 2008..

walaupn 2008 da brlabuh tirai tapi setiap kenangan dlm 2008 xpenah ak lupe.trlalu banyak kenangan susa n sng dlm 2008 sama ada ngan kwn or ngan bf dlm skola or luar skola.trlalu sdh nk tgglkan 2008 sbb byk2 taun 2008 plg brmakna dlm hidup nie.lpz nie no more school uniform,scandal in classroom,fighting with teacher.no more!xdewr nk lagy nanges2 ngan mmber,pluk2,cium.trlalu rndu dkt2 ckgu2.meja ngan kerusi ak.ak xbole tdow kawt bnde yg keras lagy2 lantai tapi ak bole jewr tdow kawt meja skolah ngan lantai skola.gosh!!trlalu banyak la nk ctewr.satu hari nk ctewr pn xkn abesh.2008 ak akn rndu dkt kau.waaaaaaaaa!!cham nk nages jewr bilewr ingat balik.now da msuk 2009.everything da brubah.kne lalui dunia baruw.dunia orh dewasa.xdewr lagy zaman remaja,xdewr lagy zaman nk mgewdik,xdewr lagy zaman freedom.bila kita da langkah satu kaki kawt depan,brmakne kita da bsedia nk tempuhi hari baruw.klu xsedia,jangan prasan nk pasang azam bruw.da tataw nk ckp pewr.sbb dari dulu ak xpenah pasang azam,aku lalui hari cham besa.klu ak nk ubh diri ak,ak hanya bisik dlm hati tapayah kecoh2 bgtaw azam korunk kawr org lain nnty buat malu sbb xleh buat.

sos cili ala2 perancis


mse tuh uma ak xdewr org.sume balik kg.nua dtg lepak uma ak pagi,slm mase yg same dye tolong ak kemas rumah yang mcm..argh!!pandai2 la korunk pike ye!hahahah..da bes kms ak ckp ngan dye ak lapa sgt mse tuh da msuk tgharie.dye pn gy la bkk peti sejuk,nmpak popia otak2.
"nah amik gorenk"
tym nk gorenk dye asyik marah sbb nk chip kn popia uh.klu mkn chip jgk syg.adeh!!bkn mati pn..ak pn msk2 la popia uh.xlame tuh ak nmpak dye amik bawang putih.ak pn tawarkan diri tok pth
p/s=dye potong bawang xcantik dat y la ak offer dr sndri
"potong dadu2 auw"
bila ak da ptong,popia dia da angkat.dye masukkan bawang putih dlm magkuk then masukkan cili.pas2 dye kacau2.
dye ckp
"klu u mkn,u msty xrase bawang pnye.jgn risau"
dye pn bawak la mangkuk cili uh dhn mayonis.yela takaut ak xmkn cili bawang putih dye uh.
"nnty mulut xbusuk kewr mkn bawang putih banyak2"
dya balas
"mkn bawang merah baruw busuk"
"xla.bawang putih la"
ak ltk mayonis kawt piring then cicah popia ngan mayonis.
"sos kawt perancis cham nie la.kira sume orag perancis mlt busuk r"
"sbb dorunk kumur pakai listerine"
ak pn cicah la ckt.nk rase..hummp!!sbb..tpy ak cicah ckt2 jewr.yela da la ak ktuk ckp nnty mlt ak leh jdy busuk la,itu inie.so cicah skt tok ttp malu.hahahah
until now i mkn cili sos ala perancis u tuh.ma pn da pelik.
p/s=mlt ak xbusuk keyhh.ak kumur ngan listerine.


Cerpen ringkas.




EDDIE(umur 25 tahun)

Eddie telah menukar perkerjaan sekurang2nya 15 kali setiap kali berpisah dgn teman wanitanya.secara langsung dye akan menukarkna kediaman bagi memulakan kehidupan barunya.kononnya laaaa.

ELLEI(umur 16 tahun)

Buat pertama kali mengenali EDDIE,ELLEI jatuh cinta kepada lelaki yang lebih brumur dari dia.membesar dengan ketiadaan ayah dan ibu yang serinh sibuk mencari rezeki.miko tnggal brsame neneknya.

Berapa lamakah cinta dapat bertahan?mungkin ia bergabtung pada tempoh masa kita kenal seseorang.mestikah cinta di ukur dgn usia?mestikah cinta di ukur dgn kecantikkan?

“abang eddie.ellei dating nie.tolong bukak pintu!”

eddie brlalu ke pintu dan membuka pintu utk memberi ruang kepada ellei utk masuk.

Ellei masuk sambil membawa makanan.

“abang eddie.nenek masak kari ari nie”

sebernya ak yg beria2 nk antar kari nie kawt abg eddie.sajewr nk merapatkan lagy jarak ak antara dgn abg eddie.sebab dgn masa,kita dapat tingkatkan rasa suka tu ke sebuah tahap yang dinamakan cinta.

“oh ellei!kamu lagy?masuklah!bau macam sedap.baik betul nenek ellei ye.”

Begitupun.ak xsabar2 nk sampai ke tahap yang dinamakan cinta tuh walaupn ak sedar yang ak masih kecil dan jarak usia kami terlalu berbeza.

“nenek xkesah?miko takde hal ke makan sini hari2”

“nope nenek xkesah pn”

mcm manewr ak leh knl eddie?masa kali pertama kami jumpa aku tangah cri cd dekat tempat dia keje tapi terkantoi jugak dgn dia.

“kau ingat ak ni tunggul kayu je kat cnie?hantar balai polis,baruw tau”

bodh nya ak nie,nk mencurik tapi xpandai.marah betul dia dekat ak mse tuh.takaut sgt dia hantar ak kawt balai polis.yang cham bestnyer,lepas periatiwa tu dia pindah ke rumah sewa nenek ak.kawt sebelah rumah pulak tuh.eiiii bestnyewr…sejak tuh ak mula suka dekat dia tapi dia Cuma anggap aku sebagai cucu tuan rumah dia jewr.

“abang eddie da kenyang.ellei,sehari dua nie ada nampak sapa2 datang cnie x?”


“xdewr la.rasa abg cham adewr barang hilang..ke perasan abg jewr”

“abg eddie saya……”


“kejap nak angkat telefon”

cis dye pulak buat tatahu lak dgn ak.

Abg eddie pn mencapai gagang telefon dan berbual dgn siapa pn ak tatatw.

“hei apewr cerita?nk datng rumah,rumag ak adewr org la..manewr dewr awek?Cuma sorang adik cute jewr”’

bagi dia ak ni Cuma sorang adik,sorang yang xpenting…ni yang ak tak puas hati nie.kenapa masa hanya tingkatkan cinta pada pihak ak jewr?

“okeyhlah.ellei nk balaik dulu ye abg eddie?”

“emmm..eh ellei”

ak pn berlalu pulang ke rumah dan dudk di hujung katil.

Tadi dia panggil aku adik cute,mungkin pangkat aku tu akan naik jadi kekasih pulak kot?

Imaginasi aku

Mle1 pencuri,cucu tuan rumah,adik last sekali kekasih.

“macam mane nie?mencurik lagi ak!”

ak memegang penyepit abg eddie smbil mencium penyepit secara x lngsung

“xkisahlah apa org nk kata!haaaa letihnya!”

nnti dulu.ni bukan objektif aku.ak bkn nk buat koleksi penyepit abg eddie tapi ak nk cinta abang eddie jewr.

“ke ak nie xnormal di luar kesedaran ak?”

ak hanya mengeluh.

Haish!!ellei nie.penyepit sendiri pn bole lupe bawak.biarlah nnty msty dia dating amik nyewr.

Keesokan arie ketika pulang dari sekolah..

Hmm.cintailah ak abag eddie.sebelum ak betul2 jadi sepeti seseorang yang selalu ak baying akan jadi:xnormal.tbe2 ak trnampak abg eddie brsama dgn beberapa gadis di luar tmpat kerjanya

“emmm..huh!curi tlang dengan pikat awek masa kerja nyewr”

xpernah pn dia senyum sampai macam tu punya manis kawt ak selama nie.kawt gadis2 nie boleh pulak senyum macam tuh.ak mghampiri abg eddei.

“Abg eddie curik tulang ye?”

“eh ellei.ni kawan2 abg masa sekolah.dah lama xjumpa”

gadis satu’’siapa nnie?comelnyewr”

gadis dua”hmmm awek eh?”

“ada kewr?dia tuh macam adik ak jewr!”

“ada apa?kami tinggal sesame”

“takdelah.ak swa kawt rumah nenek dia.kitaorang tinggal sebelah menyebelah jewr”

“apasal nafikan.abg eddie penipu”

“nnti dulu.ellei!!!!!”

ak berlari selaju boleh.abg eddie masih mengejar ak.

“nnti dulu ellei.kenapa nie.pasal pelik semacam?”

“apasal abg nafikannya”

“nafi ape?”

itulah sebenarnya yang ak harapkan selama nie.mengapa dia nafikan perasaan aku?

“apasal serius sgt ni?abamg bukan bohonh papewr pn”

masa sepatutnya dapat mengubah dari tahap suka kepada cinta.mungkin..hakikatnya,dia tak pernah sukakan ak selama nie.

“janganlah memainkan say lagy.jangan pura2 tak tahu perasaan dan kehendak saya.kan abg da rasa semuanya?abang nie memang keji!”

dah dua mggu ak elakkan diri dari jumpa abang eddie,I miss u so much.

“nenek saya da balik”

“hah!ellei,kau ad tetamu.”

Ak menuju ke dalam bilik dan mke abg eddie cuba terpapang di dalam bilik ak.


“abang eddie?siapa bagi masuk dalam ni?”

“nenek yang bagi.ellei,abang nk cakap…..”

“xnk!saya xnk dengar keluar!”

“wah ellei.jgn tolak abg laaa…”

mata kami bertetangan buat seketika waktu.

“eh?minta maaf.abg eddie..emmm apa yang adewr bawah bantal ellei nie”

“alamak.abg da tau”

“nie kan semua penyepit abg yang hilang tu?”

“tak..takdelah!miko da xcium penyepit tu lagi dah.”

“miko yang ciruk?siap cium lagy!!??

“opss..ellei xsengaja”

“eh apsal tertiba tetiba nangis nie?”

makin xsukalah dai kawt ak sekarang!macam manewr nie.

“miko suka kawt abang.miko tahu bnde2 ni xnormal tapi..jangan hantar miko ke balai polis.tologlah”

“nah.ni penyepit ellei yang trtnggl kawt rumah abg.abg nk kasi balik tapi takdelah sampai buat cium”

“penyepit ak”

abg eddie mengeluarkan penyepit dan menghulurkan kepada ak.

“hari tuh,abang bukan saja nafi tapi ellei masih trlalu muda .kita xboleh brcinta…dan abg ni jenis penakut sedikit.tapi bila ellei hilangkan diri,abang jadi risau.abg macam….”

“maksud abg eddie.abg pn sukakan ellei la ye?”

“ha’ah!tapi kalau kamu dapat kikiskan tabiat mencuri ni,lagi abang layan bebaik!jangan mencurik lagy.janji tau”

akhirnya tahap perasaan kawt dia dapat jugak naik.bukan sebagai kekasih…tetapi sebagai bdk yang betul2 xnormak..

the end

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

30 dec 2008

to=arwah mohd harith bin zainol
subject=happy bufday to u.moga u aman dan damai kawt sane.i really mis n love u.

hidup i da xdibayangi ngan kisah lama

demi andalus

26 dec
9.30pm until 12.30

mlm tuh.ak dgn nua kne gy saloma bistro tok amik fatin balik keje.yela ptt nyewr ak keje ngan dye tapy ak xjdy keje coz ak dmm,jdy ak pn tawarkn diri tok amik dye,yela tgk jady benda buruk lak kawt dye.susa jgk klu jady papewr kawt dye,100 arie 100 mlm kne mmbebel ngan mak dye.hahah =)

dlm kol 9 mlm ak ngan nua sampay kawt klcc.adewr lagy 1 jam tok tnggu si bebek uh balik.ak pn singgah cold storage sbb ak da lapa glewr babi.ak ngan nua pn jln,jln,jln,jln kawt c2.lame...lame sgt2.last beli energy bar ngan susu hl jewr.well dt tym tuh pn ciput plus kne blanjewr nua rokok.huh!pas2 kitorunk trus gy saloma bistro.tpy dye xbalek2 gak.

tym tnga tnggu sambil mkn2 dpn saloma bistro.aiman msg nua

..ready lpk andalus..

nua balas

..ak ngan kawt saloma bistro tnga tnggu fatin balik.dkt2 ngan zouk.dtg r cnie..

..ak bwk bdk2 r..

..xpewr la..

smpai situ jewr dowunk msg.xlame uh fatin pn kuar.tnga jln ak dpt idea jht.ak nk pakse pompuan nie blanjewr ka.ak pn bodek2 la.last2 dpt,siap ckp blanjewr kan andalus lagy.dye pn setuju.ak tanye nua

..andalus jauh x?..
dye ckp
..x jauh pn.u taw kan castle.dkt2 ctu r.trus smpay jln ampang then masuk kiri..
ak ckp
..jauh r nk jln smpay the castle(msh di klcc)..
dye ckp
..x dkt jewr..

ak pn pcaye la ckp dye.tapenah jln kaki gy sne lagy.kitaorunk pn jln.ak tym uh pakai tank top,fatin tshirt,nua pakai jersi.mle jln dpn zouk,klcc,pelita,stesen ampang park.pnt hanya tuhan jewr tau.ketiak da lecek.ak gy kawt nua.ak kecat peluh ketiak ak kawt jersi dye.nsb baek ak pakai deodorant adidas,so xla busuk sgt.last smpay gak berkat demi andalus n nk sgt si fatin uh blanjewr ka.tapy ak jht ak order coke jewr.hahahah..babi pnt tau x.sial!!bayar balik pluh yg ak lap kawt jersi nua uh.hah

Monday, December 29, 2008


anak sepat masih berdiri..
paris hilton cantik mcm bidadari...
lyana name yang diberi...
comelnyewr eiiiiiiii..

Friday, December 19, 2008

1st keje kawt convention center

1st day keje mmg ecxited glewr babi.1st mcm njoy glewr la..sbb mle group ak kne handle russian film festival.kbayakan yang datang uh confirm2 la org russian.group ak handle coktail.ak dtugaskan tok serve coke.da ltk cawan dlm dulung blewr hulur kawt org,org xnk.sial!!org da mnum,mnum jewr la.tgk mmg sumpah r naik kejang sbb nk kne pegang bnde uh lelame.bnde da xlrt ak buat keje cham kutip cawan2 kosong n pnggan kosong.blewr sume da msuk pawagan tok tgk movie.pn kne clearkn kawasan sekitar2 uh.blewr da clear sume.ateen ngan atie kena jage pin2 pawagam slame 3jam.hahahha.ak lak kne tolong lipat napkin.keje da bes kn.hahahha.wupenya xbes lagy.ak kne gy serve air kawt hp party.da la kebanyakan cina.da 2 asyik nk beer jewr.huh!!mmg lth la.blik kol 12 mlm then nua ngan aiman amik,ak atie ngan atten trus gy mkn.dlm kol 230pagi baru la kitorunk balik.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


my novel ak,cinta n music da already siap.semua nyewr 15bab.korunk xpayah ckp knape pndek sgt.2xpnting yang pnting ctewr sye bes.adeh!!hahaha.skunk nie ngah bz dgn novel yang baru iaitu dua haty menjadi satu.kisah kembar yang bername anne dayana dan enna dayana dlm mgharungi hidup berdikari.dilahirkan di kalangan berada dan akhir nyewr mengambil keputusan utk hidup bedikari dgn prtolongan jejaka yg brname jimmy gozanles.yuhuuuuuuuu!!xsaba nk siapkn.

Monday, December 15, 2008

2day sgt la borink

pagi2 lagy da da tataw nk wat pewr.sepatut nyewr sday kne gy convex tok amik kad id keje tpy xpergi pn.mlz yg teramat2.pagy2 lagy around 9am ak da kemas bilik yg da sebijik mlz kapal karam dan 2day ak start kemas(p/s ak kemas ckt jewr).act ak kemas bilik sbb nk cary pendrive ak jewr bilewr da jmpe ak stop kemas dan xlama tu ateen kol tanye nk chill kol brape.pas2 ak da buat bodo tok kmz bilik.hahahah.mse yg selebihnyewr ak taip novel yg pnh ak ltk dlm blog,kini ak sambung ctewr 2 blek dan ak akn ltk di dalam blog semula.as soon as possible la.ak sbrnyewr borink nie.tataw nk ctewr pewr.adeh!!later la sambung..dush!!!!

paris hilton and dog dresssed santa claus

Sunday, December 14, 2008


add auw..


to=anwar kassim
subject=i love u so much.u buat la papewr pn.sktkn la aty i byk manewr pn jnjy u puas.jnjy u syg i.ble i nk jdy smoker.u buat deal u nk psg laen plus u bnci gurl smoke.oke fine!!mle2 kte kapel i ckp i xske prokok tpy da 7 bln kite kapel i xpnh psg laen wlaupn i bnci smoker.i siap blanjewr u rokok lagy.dlm idop i,i akn haramkn sapewr yg pnjm dt i tok bely rokok tpy ngan u i x.kite byk buat deal spuya u bhenty mrokok tpy smpay skunk u cham 2 gak.deal trbaruw yg i buat.u smoke i smoke.klu i smoke u nk psg laen and jdykn alasan u bnci gurl mrokok,i pn bole buat mcm 2.dry dlu i bole buat mcm 2.sbb i bnci prokok n u taw sndry yg i asma tpy u ttp mrokok dpn i.u pnh ckp u xkn mrokok dpn i da,mb u xingat u ckp mcm 2 tpy i ingat.smpay skunk u still mrokok dpn i,dlm bilik i pn u mrokok gak.i tataw nk ckp pewr da.skt kn la aty i byk,luka kn aty i byk2.mb u nmpak i appy jewr blewr ngan u tpy dlm aty i,i ngan tuhan jewr yg tau.u nk ckp i nie fake or watever,i dont care.mmg i fake.klu i tnjuk i sdh pn u bole war pewr tok i.nothing!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

my super idol..wink2~~

paris hilton with harajuku shirt

2day news

borink sgt2..
cualak mendung jewr.everyday hujan.buat ak mlz nk bgn n update blog.
later keyh ak update
tyme to go.

Friday, December 12, 2008

wanita meluat apabila lelaki......

suka meninggikan suara
tahulah meraka dikurniakn suara yg 'macho' tapi kalau nak meninggikan suara sekadar menunjukkan ego,tak eloklah.ini antara kelemaham lelaki kerana meraka mudah meninggikan suara walaupun pasangannya tidak bersalah.

main kayu tiga
bab main kayu tiga nie masalah paling besar.walaupn dah ada kekasih,meraka sukar untuk setia.apatah lagi kalau digoda,terus disambar tanpa mempedulikan perasasaan kekasihnya.

suka cuci mata
kebayakan lelaki sukar mengawal mata(mata keranjang).pantang jumpa perempuan cantik dan seksi mulalah mata tu macam nak terkeluar.walaupun sedang bersama kekasih,si dia tetap tidak peduli.bagi meraka tidak salah kalau sekadar cuci mata tetapi hati kekasih kenalah jaga jugak cik abg oi!!

itu xboleh,ini xboleh,sikit-sikit kontrol.segala gerak geri kekasih dikawal,sampaikan cara berpakaian pula harus ditentukan.kalau nk kuar ke kedai oun kena lapor dulu,kalau tidak mulalah tercetusnya pertengkaran kerana hal sekecil ini.tetapi meraka akan melenteng pula sekiranya aktiviti-aktiviti meraka disoal siasat oleh kekasih meraka...macam mane tuh??


10 dec is interview day.
awal2 dtg agak gementar la..
1st time keje..
sekian lame nie parents trlalu hulur dt smpay mlz nk keje dan arie nie kne cari duet sndry..
interview tuh start kol 9 smpay 4 ptg dkt convention center.
mase tuh ak,fatin n zati smpay dkt pukul 12.
interview kne stop kjp coz tym lunch n kol 2 bruw leh start daftar.
mse tol nua n kwn dye aiman pn adewr skali..
kitaorunk kne gy tngkat 3 and meeting room yg bnombor 307..
nk msuk bapak sumpah takut glewr kowt tpy soalan interview xdewr la tkt manewr pn..
kacang sng glewr babi..
dye tnye"pnh keje hotel?rmbut tuh saye xnk messy keyh.xleh kalewr rmbut.sowk training jgn pakai mcm nie klu bole pakai bju collar.adewr kst n suar itam?klu adewr esowk bole pakai?"
bapak sng kn..
hahahahahpas2 kitorunk pn bla..

11dec-training day
bez sgt..
lgy2 mr shanker..
dye bapak klakar glewr uh.
mmg asyik gelak jewr la keje ktorunk..
pas2 ceramah pasal kcemasan,ronda2 convention center,cara tok lapor diri,amik bju,blek tukar baju,kawt manewr bilik HR,pas2 gy mkn kawt dewan mkn then gy blek kawt meeting room.
pas2 ceramah dry abg safie,dye lagy bapak klakar plus dye sbnr nyewr garang uh..
da ceramah sume ktorunk dpt pasport n gaji then trus balik..

Monday, December 8, 2008

all about me!!

name:anne,anne dan anne.(shut up!!my real name is too privacy too show off)
age=17(totally grow up)
hometown=kuala lumpur.
date of birth=14 april.

q:anne.what u like??
a:i like sleeping,chatting,gossiping,flirting =),eating,dancing.music.
q:hmm..actually who are u in?
a:hah!!who i am??i am anne just ordinary gurl with bad attitude..
q:hah!!bad attitude??
a:yurp!!im totally fake..
q:owhhh!!do you have bf??
q:so skunk buat apewr jewr??
a:waiting for interview and spm result..
q;u cntik??
a:a little bit.(hahahah)
q;hahah..kamu ske paris ya??
a;msty la(wink2)
q;oke la anne.smpay sni sajewr teu bual kite..
a:oke.i see you later.take gudcare ya!!

my bff's embarrasing!!

Oh my god!!
Im blushing

“My bf does some of the weirdest thing when we’re out in public.sometimes,he make louds pbnoxious noises or share some comment about us with our friend.he think its hilarious and adorable when I react in digust,I don’t feel the same way.i find him really embarrassing and sometimes even when he’s trying to be effectionate,I pull away because his behaviour makes me turn crimson.am I normal?what should I do,I really love him”

feeling embarrassed is a normal human emotion and everyone has different triggers that cue the emotion.there’re really two option for someone in your situation.but first you need to think about how badly(or nor!!)this is effecting your relationship

option A
live with it..
this is specially true his action are not harmful or detrimental to the relationship.his loud noises and such can just be his way of having fun.try to be a little bit more open minded and learn to accept him as he ia,we all some with our kinks.being in relationship is not forcing the pieces ti fit but find your place in puzzle.another thing you can try to find middle ground.if his little traits bother you,then you should talk to him.maybe its just matter of toning thing down istead of eliminating the entire part of him

option B
drop and walk
you can let the small things slide,but when he does thing like share personal details or if he’s rude to other,you should draw the lines.just because he gets off by belittling other or over-sharing intimate information,you don’t to stand for it.unfortunately,changes is only truly possible if and when the individual is willing to.if you’ve already tried talking to him be time to re-evaluate the relationship.it’s not your job to change him,so don’t waste your time.

Have same pretty embarrassing situations,to help you gunge where you guy fits

The good
you and your guy are with a whole bunch of your girlfriend.one of them cracks a joke and your guy start giggling!no one notices till the group goes silent,and your guy still giggling while your cheeks are as red as a tomato.
=>who make the rules sbout what’s “manly” anyways?he probably think you giggle is cute
the bad
it’s your dad’s birthday and the whole family’s out to celebrate ar a really expensive reataurant.after dinner,the waiter has brought the canke out and your dad is about to blow the candle,your boyfriend lets out a loud burp.the worst part is,he act like ia was nothing.
=>yikes!he may be rough around the edges but it’s still fixable.talk to him about it.

The ugly
You and your frienf hanging out at the mamak when a bunch of pretty,hot girl walk by.yo your horror,your boyfriend starts wolf-whistling at them!your friend are appalled and everyone goes silent after the whole fiasce
=>that’s more than embarrassing!it’s disrespectful to both you and the others girls!(yikes!dont even go there)

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3)every three second,someone needs a blood transfusion.
4)human blood cannot substituted
5)a pint of blood.separated into components,can help up three people.
6)the main reason most donors donate their blood is because they want to help others,
7)the most common reason non-donors don’t donate is because they “never thought about it” or they’re too busy
8)after donation,your body fluid will be raplaced in hours and your red blood cells in about four weeks.
9)the loss of iron would be restored in roughly eight weeks.
10)only four simple steps are needed to donate blood,medical history check,quick physical check,donation,and snacks offerd after donation.
11)blood donation is safe and simple.

Who can donate
=>you must be between the age of 18 and 60
=>you must be heavier than 45kg
=>you should be free from medical illnesses.
=>you should not have consumed antibiotics a week prior to donation
=>you cannot be pregnant or have delivered recentlt
=>you are not involved in any homesexual,bisexual or multiple sex partner relationship
=>you are not involves with drugs.
=>you must not have donated blood in less than two month.

Where can donate?
=>university malay medical center(UMMC)
=>blood donation drives
=>when there is ungency for it in the hospital(and you happen to be there at the same time)

benefit of donating your blood
=>removes excess iron from ypur body’s system
=>lower the risk of hesrt disease for men
=>msintsind the healthiness of the body’s circulatory system

things to do
before your donate
=>est something light before,preferably something sweet like chocolate
=>had at least five haours sleep the night before
=>not participate in any vigorous activities before the donation

before ypur donation
=>consume a lot water 24hours upon donation
=>avoid heavy axercising or activities within the first five hours after donating
=>consume sweet derink and light food,such as those offered after donation.

Top 10 myths of blood donation!
Mayth1:donating blood hurts a lot
Fact=it definitely hurts.but it hurts for less compared to getting a piercing and it only hurts for a little while
mayth2:I don’t think the equipment used is clean.i may catch same sort of disease by donating blood
fact=eguipment is sterilized properly and is disposed after.the nurses also use latex gloves when they handle open wounds or draw your blood.therefore,every safety precaution is taken to ensure that the donor doesn’t come in contact with any disease
mayth3:I don’t have have enough blood to donate
fact=you’re only donating one point of blood,not an armful!furthermore.your body replace the amount taken in a short period of time,don’t worry
mayth4:I don’t hane time to donate
fact=it only takens an hour or so for each donation.imagine this,for your one haour spent donating blood,you could save up to three lives
mayth5:there are always people ejo donate blood,so I don’t need to
fact=if that were true,there wouldn’t be a shortage of blood in hospitals.
Mayth6:they ask the most embarrassing and personal questions!
Fact=though their questions may ne embarrassing and personal.it is of the utmost importance that they ask those questions.the authorities need to ensure that the blood supply is safe for their patients
Mayth7:I’m too young to donate
Fact=as long as you’re 18 and above.you’re never too ypung
Mayth8:donating blood will deteriorate my healt
Fact=donating blood won’t deteriorate ypur healt! If anything,it works for your healt
Mayth9:we can only donate blood once a year
Fact=blood donation can be ve done every two months
Mayth10:I have a common blood type;so there is a lot of my type in the blood bank.i don’t need to donate anymore
Fact=thought there some blood types that are common than other,regular donations are still needed.the are however,specific blood types that are needed more as they are rare.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

1 dec 2008

smlm gy convebtion center tok booking keje.
mle2 call mr sungker tok booking tpy dye nk swh ak n zatie dtg office dye.
da la tataw office dye kawt mane then ak swh zatie call dye blek..
pas dye mara zatie ckp "office i kawt convention center rr!!??"
hello mr sucker!!mmh la office kawt convention center lu ingat convention center 2 kck kewr..
fuck r!!
da r smlm asyik kne perli da 2 kne halau lgy.
lpe lak name org yg main halau2 uh..
oke fine!!
sala ak,ak bodo sgt sbb tym uh ak pakai tank top tpy xleh kewr ckp leklok tapayah r main halau2..
nie malaysia keyh!!
tolenrasi la ckt..
nsb baek ak pike nk keje cry dt halal,xkesah kne marah.
nk ikt aty baek ak keje bartender dkt pavi..
sbln leh dpt rm1600++

im back

akhor nyewr komp ak da bole gne..
tapayah gy cc blek..
ak syg komp ak..
nnty ak update lgy keyh..