hardcore lover

this is my diary.the truly story from my heart.i love what i do.this is what i need to expose my feeling and my tear.

Monday, December 8, 2008

my bff's embarrasing!!

Oh my god!!
Im blushing

“My bf does some of the weirdest thing when we’re out in public.sometimes,he make louds pbnoxious noises or share some comment about us with our friend.he think its hilarious and adorable when I react in digust,I don’t feel the same way.i find him really embarrassing and sometimes even when he’s trying to be effectionate,I pull away because his behaviour makes me turn crimson.am I normal?what should I do,I really love him”

feeling embarrassed is a normal human emotion and everyone has different triggers that cue the emotion.there’re really two option for someone in your situation.but first you need to think about how badly(or nor!!)this is effecting your relationship

option A
live with it..
this is specially true his action are not harmful or detrimental to the relationship.his loud noises and such can just be his way of having fun.try to be a little bit more open minded and learn to accept him as he ia,we all some with our kinks.being in relationship is not forcing the pieces ti fit but find your place in puzzle.another thing you can try to find middle ground.if his little traits bother you,then you should talk to him.maybe its just matter of toning thing down istead of eliminating the entire part of him

option B
drop and walk
you can let the small things slide,but when he does thing like share personal details or if he’s rude to other,you should draw the lines.just because he gets off by belittling other or over-sharing intimate information,you don’t to stand for it.unfortunately,changes is only truly possible if and when the individual is willing to.if you’ve already tried talking to him be time to re-evaluate the relationship.it’s not your job to change him,so don’t waste your time.

Have same pretty embarrassing situations,to help you gunge where you guy fits

The good
you and your guy are with a whole bunch of your girlfriend.one of them cracks a joke and your guy start giggling!no one notices till the group goes silent,and your guy still giggling while your cheeks are as red as a tomato.
=>who make the rules sbout what’s “manly” anyways?he probably think you giggle is cute
the bad
it’s your dad’s birthday and the whole family’s out to celebrate ar a really expensive reataurant.after dinner,the waiter has brought the canke out and your dad is about to blow the candle,your boyfriend lets out a loud burp.the worst part is,he act like ia was nothing.
=>yikes!he may be rough around the edges but it’s still fixable.talk to him about it.

The ugly
You and your frienf hanging out at the mamak when a bunch of pretty,hot girl walk by.yo your horror,your boyfriend starts wolf-whistling at them!your friend are appalled and everyone goes silent after the whole fiasce
=>that’s more than embarrassing!it’s disrespectful to both you and the others girls!(yikes!dont even go there)


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